Why - Page Rank 31399

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What is Page Rank??

In short Page Rank is a 'election', by the rest of the pages on the internet, about how exactly important a site is. A link to your page counts as a vote of support. There's no support (however it is definitely an abstention from voting rather than a vote contrary to the page) if there's no link.

How is Pr Used?

Page Ranking is one of the practices Google uses to determine a page's significance or importance. It is just one part of the story when it involves the Google list, but the other features are discussed elsewhere (and are ever changing) and Page Rank is exciting enough to deserve a paper of its. Cc사업부 난간 Search For Online Entertainment Coupon Book 46674 is a unique online database for more concerning the purpose of this idea.

If you have mounted the Google toolbar (http://toolbar.google.com/) pr is also displayed on the toolbar of your browser. However the Toolbar Pr just goes from 0 - 10 and seems to be something similar to a logarithmic scale:

Toolbar Page Rank:

(log base 1-0) Real Page Rank

0 0 - 10

1 10-0 - 1,000

2 1000 - 10,000

3 10,000 - 100,000

4 and therefore on....

We are able to not know the precise details of the size since, as we'll see later, the utmost PR of pages on the web changes every month when Google does its re-indexing! If we believe the scale is logarithmic (although there's only historical evidence because of this at the time-of writing) then Google can only give a toolbar PR to the greatest actual PR page of 10 and scale the remainder correctly.

Also the toolbar often guesses! The toolbar often shows me a Toolbar PR for pages I've only submitted and can not possibly maintain the catalog yet!

What seems to be happening is that the toolbar looks at the URL of the page the browser is displaying and strips off anything down the last '/' (i.e. it visits the 'parent' page in URL conditions). If Google includes a Toolbar PR for that parent then it subtracts 1 and shows that because the Toolbar PR for these pages. If there is no PR for that parent it goes to the parent's page, but subtracting 2, and etc entirely up-to the main of your site. Then a club is greyed out, if it can't find a Toolbar PR to show this way, that is if it doesn't find a page with a real determined PR.

Note that if the Toolbar is wondering in this manner, the PR of the site is 0 - though its PR is going to be determined shortly after it is first seen by the Google spider. We discovered success by browsing newspapers.

PageRank says nothing about the content or size of a page, the language it is published in, or the text used in the anchor of a link!


I have started to use some technical conditions and shorthand in this report. Now's nearly as good an occasion as any to establish most of the terms I'll use:

PR: Shorthand for PageRank: the particular, real, page list for each page as assessed by Google. As we'll see later this could vary from 0.15 to billions. I discovered What Do Search Engines Truly Want? 45415 | cosers网 by browsing the New York Tribune.

Toolbar PR: The PageRank shown in the Google toolbar in your browser. This varies from 0 to 1-0.

Backlink: If page A links out to page B, then page B is thought to have a 'backlink' from page A.

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