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What caused these heinous crimes? Both Osorio and Foster faked pregnancies for nine months, therefore that feigned due dates neared, their desperation increased. DESPERATION. That is more than likely the catalyst behind each woman's disturbing acts. These are definitely extreme cases of ladies succumbing to internal demons and external forces, that pressure them to become mothers. Not decrease these extremely serious cases, but there are lots of women who feel compelled to fulfill traditional roles of wife and first.

Case background: Paige Birgfeld aka Paige Dixon is hoping to reconcile with her ex-husband. The 5 feet, 4 inches tall, single mother is supporting her three children by working several odd jobs, including an escort service. She lives within a 1 million dollar home. Close relatives say that she would never leave her children merely because were her number one priority.

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"It's like when women hit 28 to 30 their clocks start ticking out of control. That's why I don't like dating women in their 30s. May possibly in too large of a rush to settle down," a male reader from Trangle.

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My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002). Nia Vardalos and John Corbett star in this wedding movie about a Greek girl who disagrees her family's wishes and plans to marry of the male gender who isn't Greek. Task quite about a Greek family having to just accept a guy who is not Greek to be their new son-in-law. John Corbett loves his bride so much that she's willing to transform to the Greek Orthodox faith. May do imagine almost all the antics that ensue in this romantic comedy.

My Best Friend's Wedding (1997). Jennifer aniston and Dermot Mulroney greatest friends. They talk about everything. Well, for a little while, free internet dating they actually haven't held. Imagine Julia Robert's surprise when Dermot calls her and tells her that he is close to get married, to Cameron Diaz's character in the movie. Julia Roberts' character always thought it would be her who had become the bride, and she sets out to ruin the relationship between 2 so she'll have back her best friend, whom apparently she's got more feelings for than she was willing to admit.