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wholesale nfl jerseys Get daily updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!CARDIFF owner Tan Sri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun flew for 13 hours across the world to watch Malky Mackay's City side draw 1 1 with Watford on Easter Monday.The Malaysian businessman then had a cup of tea and a chat with his Scottish boss and got back on the plane for the 13 hour trip back to the Far East.And as far as Mackay's experience goes, that's the kind of commitment Rangers can expect if Singaporean bidder Bill Ng achieves his ambition of succeeding Craig Whyte at Ibrox.Ng has gone to Malaysia for talks with the Berjaya Group, Cardiff's owners, on how to run a European club.His next plan would be to meet Ibrox boss Ally McCoist as soon as possible for talks about the club he saw for the first time on television as a kid when Rangers won the European Cup Winners' Cup in Barcelona in 1972.And the man who claims to have been a Rangers fan since that win over Dynamo Moscow will be one of three bidders who'll have their credentials scrutinised with a fine tooth comb by the club's administrators today.If Mackay's experience is anything to go by, Duff and Phelps will be astonished by the attention to detail and level of ambition shown by the man who says he wants to put Rangers back on the map as a domestic and European force.Mackay said: "Transparency is the first thing you get from a Far East connection. I had my second interview for the job at Cardiff with Mr Yioun and he set me at ease with his manner."He was no different from any other person I'd come across in that situation, and if you have a clear idea of what you want to do there's nothing to fear."Our owners are open and honest in everything they do. They're also very knowledgeable about football without ever showing the slightest inclination to interfere in team matters."I'll tell the owner who's playing for us as a courtesy and he might ask me questions about fitness and so on, but he'd never query team selection."If he's not coming over to see a game then we'll talk on the telephone once a week about club affairs and I'll also be asked to make a periodic trip to Kuala Lumpur for a face to face conversation over dinner."Ng, a director of a private equity firm, has in the bank and wants to devote half of that to gaining control of Rangers.The Ibrox fans will wonder what financial benefits can be derived from a commercial tie up with a huge overseas market.But from where Mackay is standing, the benefits go way beyond just hard cash.He said: "Our tie up isn't just about trying to sell Cheap Jerseys china Cardiff City jerseys in Malaysia wholesale nfl jerseys.
